Our Work

Inequalities in care persist across Europe for patients living with dysimmune inflammatory neuropathy (GBS, CIDP, MMN, LSS, Anti-MAG, MFS…). Access to diagnosis, treatment and patient follow-up remains a major challenge, and there is still a lot to do.
In the run-up to the European Parliament elections in June 2024, EPODIN is calling on the candidates to commit to providing the resources needed to meet the needs of a patient community that is still insufficiently considered today. #ActDINs2024


EPODIN works to ensure that European public health policies take into account the specific needs of people affected by dysimmune and inflammatory neuropathies (DINs : CIDP, MMN, LSS, Anti-MAG, GBS, MFS…). We are fully committed working with Member States, MEPs and European Commission in the interest of patients.